The Anger Iceberg

Anger. It’s quite literally a hot topic. Studies have shown that in the 4 years following the pandemic, anger levels have increased across the globe. Regardless of demographics, our collective trauma experience from a global lockdown and our world’s new “normal” have affected us and our emotions.  

There’s a well-known theory in the mental health world that compares anger to an iceberg: What you see above the surface is just a small part of what’s really going on underneath. A display of anger is rarely about what triggered it- usually there is a complex mix of emotions that play into what a person is expressing. An angry reaction is often masking an array of complicated emotions happening underneath it all- like the picture of the iceberg above, there’s something massive beneath the surface.  

The key to managing anger is understanding where it’s coming from. This can be tricky – anger itself is an emotion that is easier to see- it’s the underlying feeling of being overwhelmed, scared, exhausted, annoyed, jealous, or a host of many other possibilities that can be difficult to pinpoint. Taking a beat in the midst of anger is not easy, but doing just that can help you reflect on what’s really going on, bringing you closer to a resolution of your feelings.  

The kits we’ve developed are a great tool to help you do just that. They give you the opportunity take that beat, reflect on your feelings, and find a different perspective that will help you release the negative energy that accompanies those feelings. We offer four unique kits grounded in the earth’s elements: Air, Fire, Earth, and Water- each teaching a new way to emotional wellness. Head over to our kits page to view the collection!

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