Mother's Day

Mother’s Day is a celebration of everything nurturing. I recently learned that the origin of this honoring day came from one woman named Anna Jarvis who wanted to celebrate her late mother and her efforts of supporting strong women and their friendships with a memorial at her church. It’s an interesting story that you can read more about here:

Supporting strong women and encouraging friendships between women is always something to celebrate! However something we don’t always consider is that Mother’s Day isn’t always a beautiful celebration for everyone. It can be an incredibly painful day for many of us, for many reasons. Not everyone had a nurturing mom. Some of us have lost a mom. Many women have endured the pain of losing babies and children. Some of us long to be moms, but cannot. For many years, that was me. I will never forget one Mother’s Day, five years into my infertility journey, walking into my church sanctuary where people were at the doors handing out carnations. The lovely woman at the door extended a flower to me and asked “Are you a mom?” and when I told her I wasn’t, she pulled it back and just smiled at me. I am sure that she meant no harm, but that was a strong punch in the gut that I have never forgotten.

So how can we celebrate something that is intended to be a loving celebration when it can cause so much pain for so many? Every year on Mother’s Day I make a post on social media reminding people to be conscious of the fact that this day can be excruciating for some. My intention is never to take away from the meaning and purpose of the day. Moms most definitely should be celebrated, honored, and revered. I just think that we can do both – love and respect the nurturers who love us and we love, and also be aware and careful of what we say and do that might affect another person in a different way.

Isn’t it like that in life, every day? We’ve all seen the quote: “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.” If we all adopted this way of thinking, of being aware of others’ perspectives, the world just might be a little easier for those who might be suffering. So celebrate Mother’s Day, and every day, and be mindful of those unknown battles.

Energetically yours,

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1 comment

This is a beautiful message and wonderful reminder to be mindful everyday of the year. If we all could just be considerate of those we come in contact with either known or unknown (I find strangers can sometimes be easier to be nice to….. but that’s an issue for another chat)
I am thankful
Mike 😉

Mike Bartlebaugh

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