Little Me

Our last blog was about finding purpose, and I talked about my passion for helping kids. Over the past few years, I’ve also been learning the importance of honoring the little person inside me.  

She is still there, and sometimes she shows up when I least expect it. She makes an appearance at different times; and shows herself as different versions of me. In the middle of a disagreement with my husband, she shows up as the 5-year-old who isn’t getting her way. If one of my siblings says something I don’t like, the 10-year-old older sister jumps in and gets defensive. If I feel misunderstood by a friend, the 8-year-old me shuts down and pouts. None of these things are helpful in feeling better or solving the issue; I am grateful that I am starting to recognize when she’s interfering because that way, I can reassure here that the 57-year-old me has got this.  

That’s just the first step to finding a solution, isn’t it? Recognizing the problem. Understanding the things that you might be doing that could be holding you back from resolving something. I am recognizing the need to teach the little me the things that she may have missed, and understanding what was happening at that time in my life is just as important. Sometimes I literally look at a picture of myself at that age and talk out loud to that little girl. Her parents did the best they could, like all of us. They did things right, and there were things they missed- and that’s ok. I can take up the job from here and heal that little girl, and teach her the things they might have missed. It’s a process, and it takes time and a lot of self-reflection. But I’m in it with her for the long haul.  

It occurred to me that with Two Sage Sisters, we’ve been able to create kits to help the little people inside the big ones – because really and truly, we all have our little selves inside of us. Spend some time with your little self this week. See what they need. Think about how they are showing up in your life when you might not expect or realize it. And honor that little one, because they deserve it.  


Energetically yours,  

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1 comment

This is such a good article. Good insight and just what I needed.


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