
For me, the first thing that comes to mind when I think of patience is waiting. Actually, there are lots of other ways we are patient. Tolerating behavior that is annoying or you don’t agree with. Taking the time to do something tedious or that requires that you go slow. Allowing someone to learn something at their own pace (ever teach a young child to tie their shoes?).

But the waiting. Being patient is a skill that I’ve always had a hard time with. When I was little, it was being patient while the adults did whatever they were doing that was taking FOREVER – grocery shopping, stopping to talk to a friend when we were on our way to something fun, talking after church. I’ve had to participate in lessons of patiently waiting all my life, and I’ve never been good at it. Some of those lessons were easier, like the anticipation of opening birthday presents; some were heartwrenchingly difficult, like waiting six long years to finally become a mother. I’ve had lots of practice, yet I still struggle with patiently waiting.

Three years ago, my sister and I created four element kits and had no idea how to make them become a reality. One door after another opened for us, and it’s been quite an experience learning about starting a business and what it takes to make this happen. Guess what is one of the biggest things we’ve had to do? Be patient. Several months ago, we launched Two Sage Sisters’ on social media (at every weekly meeting, it was me who said “Can we announce yet???”). It’s been exciting to have an online presence and to work at getting other people excited about our mission. The hardest thing for me though, has been that our products are still being created and are not yet available. We are getting so close, and I can’t wait for the day when we can start really sharing these kits with you! Until then, I’ll just be here, learning that lesson in patience, AGAIN.

Energetically yours,

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