Earth and Water Kits

If you’re reading this, hopefully you’ve been following our reveals over the past 4 weeks. This week we revealed The Earth Kit and next week, we’ll be revealing the final kit of this set: The Water Kit!

The Earth Kit holds a special place for me personally, as I most definitely identify most closely with the earth element. I am at my best when I am surrounded by nature. I haven’t always been – but something changed when the world was quarantined. Suddenly I had time on my hands and nowhere to go but my yard. I found myself digging in the dirt and connecting with nature. Those of us who identify with the earth element are nurturers. We are at our best when we feel grounded and rooted in the present moment. The Earth Kit will give you all the tools you need to practice nurturing your soul, ground yourself in truth and let go of what’s unnecessary.

Next week is our final reveal -The Water Kit. Water is clear, flowing, and most importantly, life-giving. Everything that lives needs water to survive! Those who identify closely with the water element may see themselves in those characteristics. Sometimes we need to clear our minds and examine the way we are thinking about things. The Water Kit teaches you a new way to think about a situation, find the flow of truth, and to wash away the things you no longer need.

This is it! Our four element kits are on the brink of being in your hands! We can’t wait to be a part of helping people change the way they handle negative thoughts and feelings and focus on the positive. We’re glad you’re here with us!

 Energetically yours,

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