Why the Elements?

  We are often asked, what made you choose the elements on which to base your first line of kits?

  To understand this, you have to go back to 2020. When Covid hit and I had time, something drew me to the woods in the back of our property. I have NEVER been a yardwork girl. My first husband was even a landscaper – yet I’ve never owned a pair of gardening gloves, and am definitely NOT one to be on a kneeler pulling weeds.  So for me to be every day sweating in the woods, clearing and weeding and raking and building (my artist friend Kathleen calls it “Earth Art”!) was a mystery. I still don’t know the answer… all I know is that suddenly I was communing with nature and feeling peace while doing it. This is one way I discovered that I most closely identify with the Earth element. I deal with anxiety and it ramped up when I thought the world was ending and we’d be wearing masks ‘til we died. But being out back, my hands and feet in the dirt, did something for me. I spoke to the trees and even named a few of them. I built a labyrinth (see the included pic!) That’s when the nature of the four elements just seemed to make sense to me in relation to emotions and using them to calm my negative thoughts. I even got a tattoo that incorporates the elements, before the business was even born. It was talking to my sister that produced The Fire Kit, in its earliest stages. We needed an outlet for all the complaining we were doing: about Covid, politics, family stuff, etc… and the process used in The Fire Kit was born.

  We found a way to incorporate the four elements air, fire, earth, and water to create a natural, healthy way to let go of what you no longer need, and the ability to allow yourself to embrace your truth. My friend Julie was asking about our products and made a really profound statement that I liked a lot. She said “It seems to me that you believe that making your negative thoughts more tangible allows your whole being to let them go, and replace them with something better.” I couldn’t have said it better myself, Julie!


Energetically yours,  

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