



du·​al·​i·​ty dü-ˈa-lə-tē  plural:  dualities : the quality or state of having two different or opposite parts or elements : DUALISM 






We have been taught that every action has a reaction. 

Years ago, I experienced a deep and profound loss that completely changed the trajectory of my life.  I had no choice in the change of course.  Grief weighed heavy and dark on my body and brain.  It took a lot of years (and therapy) to begin to see the bright spots in my otherwise dim life. 

Duality has always been a theme for me with grief. The silver lining and grey. This is certainly not to say that grief can be explained away with a happy thought.  I've never found peace with it.  I know I never will.  But the process of beginning to see the silver lining a tiny bit more than the angry grey cloud has transformed my grief into one of growth rather than death.  It’s allowed me to see a struggling plant, rather than a dead one.  Duality has given me hope. 

When I started using my home version of what ultimately became the fire kit, I was simply writing and burning my negative thoughts. It worked, but something was missing.  As I shared with my sister what I was doing, she reminded me that the process should involve a grounding thought.  Every action should have a reaction.  Why didn’t I think of that?  What a basic principle.   

Duality has given me hope.  My wish for you is that you can sit with your weakness, fear, negative thought long enough to discover the opposite – strength, peace, grounding mantra – and move forward on your path. 


Energetically yours, 

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This is very helpful as we work through family medical issues in our family. I struggle as ‘mom’ is to fix every boo-boo. This I cannot and makes me very sad.

Kathy Yinger

Well said❣️ I’m so proud of your growth as you faced your grief head-on.

Sara Anne Kaufman

Love this so much. Thanks for sharing

Beth Ann Chambers

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